How confusing are you? – let’s get you crystal clear in 12 weeks!
We’re aware you think your brand is solid, website accurate, copy articulate, and offer irresistible – but is it?
As we always say, branding is what people say about you when you leave the room.
Let’s make sure what they have to say is what you want them to!
This program is specially designed for personal brands to take you from a confusing or weak brand to a simple and strong brand in just 12 weeks.
We will work with you to bring all of the strategies, tools, and systems necessary for you to take control of your brand and amplify your efforts internally at a fraction of the cost of hiring other branding agencies to do it for you.
Timespan: 12 Weeks
Stages of the Program











Elements of the Program:
- Digital Fingerprint – Where and how are you showing up?
- Define your brand’s personality and develop your Brand Manual
- Set up your social media profiles for clarity
- Strategy for building (or revising) a powerful website/C.H.O.C.
(if you can’t do this we know someone who can) - Set up your tech stack for easy management
- Develop your brand’s low-strain, high-relevancy content strategy
- Measure and utilize what’s performing the best
- Strategy in marketing/amplifying your brand
Remember, it’s not what you say but how it’s received – let’s get that clear!
$15,000 – 12 Week Branding Program
50% payable on start and 50% due in 6 weeks